What’s the Good in Waiting? 

Waiting for movements in moments of rest.
Waiting for the short, winter days to become long, summer nights.
Waiting for time to pass you by.
Waiting for magic in a life unfilled.
Waiting until there’s nothing worth waiting for.
~Sara Stein~

Why Do You Wait?

For someone to love you.
For someone to heal you.
For someone to remind you of the magic that is YOU.
What’s the good in waiting anyway?

What we look for in others, is simply what we yearn to find in ourselves. Permission to leave the job we don’t like, the marriage/ partnership we never wanted, the rituals/habits we never stuck to, the self-talk that never served us. All of these experiences are fleeting, gone in a moment’s notice. But we choose to wait.

Wait until we grow stronger; emotionally, spiritually, physically. You are ready NOW, why wait? Because it is comfortable, because no one will get hurt. Saying YES when you really mean NO, saying NO when you really mean YES. The power lies in you, it always has. No person can outsource your birthright. 

If you’re in doubt, take a good look around. You are held by a force greater than you could imagine. What created the sun, created you. What created the sky and the earth, created you. What created the animals and plants, also created you. Take the first step, release the first set of tears, make that phone call, buy that item you’ve been eyeing. In the words of David Whyte, always remember “anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”