He sees the sun.

She sees the moon.

Nothing else exists.

Hold your vision close.

What you believe to be true is what you believe in.

What you believe in is what you can see.


Vision. Curated by your eyes, just for you. It’s yours to hold onto now. You try to mold it, shape it, break it, twist it, but it remains whole, just as it was, unafraid.

It laughs at your pity attempts to alter your truth. “What you believe in is what you can see,” it cries out at you.

In a moment of epiphany, you stare your vision in the eye and say, “I no longer choose to see life in this way.”

That’s the answer it was looking for all along. You see, you choose what you choose to see. And that, is the truth that will set you free.



Choose to see.


On the days your eyes are heavy, choose to see.

When your reality does not match your deepest desires, choose to see.

When an experience jogs a childhood memory you buried away, choose to see.

In the seasons your vision is troubled, choose to see.

In times where you lose sight of it all, choose to see.