Why I Consider Myself a Writer and Why You Should Too.

Growing up I was the “good girl”, the one who always played by the rules. It was good for my family and even better for the education system. There was a small caveat however. I didn’t speak in school.  Selective mutism they called it. The fancy word for the...

How To Live: Insights On the Topic of Death and Dying

Death is a promise. The kind you lock pinkies with a friend over, except your friend is the Universe and you don’t need a secret handshake of sorts. The Universe is good like that. We will ALL die one day. People die everyday. Everyday people are afraid to die. That’s...

I Can’t Find the Words

It’s time to… Revamp. Renew. Re-do. Remember. Replenish. Or something like that. Writing has always been THE PROCESS for me. I created this blog to document my time here: to remember what it means to be a human. What was initially curated for me, quickly turned into a...
I’ll Give You The Sun

I’ll Give You The Sun

Sometimes it’s the things we fear most we should fear being without. -Sara Stein THE SUN. And oh the many stories we have been told of her. We’ve taken others’ beliefs at face value, made associations in our mind and never questioned the validity of them. Sound...

What You Consume Matters

What You Consume Matters Consumption. Twenty-four seven. In biochemistry land we call it channels. Gated channels that open and close based on the size, intention, shape, and behavior of the input. What is considered an input? ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, AND NOTHING AT ALL....

Tales of Birdsong

Tales of Birdsong What’s MINE is not YOURS. What’s YOURS is not MINE. The beauty of not knowing what’s yours lies in knowing what’s true for others is not necessarily true for you. Your truth is inside you. Talk to it, nourish it, confide in...