Meet Sara Stein, Freelance Writer, Math & Science Tutor

meet sara stein

My Early Years

Growing up, I was very timid and shy. I spent a lot of time observing my surroundings, discovering how different people of the world communicate and thrive. Unbeknownst to me, my inner reality became enmeshed with what I was seeing and hearing. I began to not only observe the outer realities, but I began to disentangle myself in the truths of others. At the age of 5 I developed selective mutism as a defense mechanism, only I didn’t know it then.

For 17 years I would silence my voice and place my fate in the hands of others: family, medical professionals, educators, and friends. As I got older, I realized that my lack of self-love and trust in myself translated into the physical inability to speak my words. The little girl on the left just needed some affection and appreciation. However, what I didn’t realize was that the only person who could provide the tender love I needed was ME.

A Realization

Throughout my formative years, I grew fascinated by the complexities of mathematics and science. To further my knowledge, I selected to attend the Mathematics and Science Institute: an honors program at my local high school. During my high school years, I enrolled in all of the challenging coursework available to me, namely AP Calculus and Biology. Having received a 5 on both AP exams, affirmed to me that the field of science and mathematics were the subjects I should pursue.

In May of 2019, I graduated with a bachelor’s of science in biochemistry. As I was completing my senior year of college, I realized I didn’t know what I wanted to do next. I had spent 5 years working extremely hard for this degree and now what? Classmates, family, and faculty encouraged me to pursue higher education constantly telling me that I was very detail-oriented, diligent and would excel in research and it would be a disservice to myself to not apply. In August of the same year, I accepted my offer to the CUNY Graduate Center to pursue a PhD in biochemistry. After the fall semester ended, I found myself physically, emotionally, and mentally fatigued. My body was showing me where I needed to focus my healing but I was extremely wary and sought external validation.

The day my fall semester ended, I finally felt like I could breathe again. Science and mathematics were subjects that always came naturally to me. Since I performed well in those subjects, I was encouraged to continue with my studies and find a career based in those areas. I was attending lectures, lab rotations, and studying long hours in between and could hardly keep my head above the water. The biggest disappointment was the realization that I didn’t enjoy the program and I never truly did, and was only making myself sick.

meet sara stein
Intuitive Wellness and Empowerment Guide

The Path to Healing

January of 2020, I decided to choose myself and take a medical leave from school to focus on healing. After countless appointments with medical professionals both in the holistic and western realms, I was told I had a slew of health conditions: leaky gut, adrenal fatigue and candida overgrowth to name a few. My practitioner whom I opted to work with gave me a dietary and supplement protocol to follow. Things were improving until they weren’t.  At that moment, I realized I was being called forth to become my own healer.

At the start of my healing journey in 2020, I sought many healing modalities: acupuncture, sound healing, astrology, herbal medicine, and Reiki. They all have assisted in my ascension to becoming the highest version of myself. Deep down, I was also seeking exclusivity; the experience that lights my soul on fire.

Navigating life with an illness is challenging yet so rewarding as I embrace the feeling of discovering my passions: Herbal medicine and astrology. Once I learned first-hand about the effect that products that we consume daily have on our well-being, I became passionate in creating herbal alternatives. Astrology helped me understand myself and my connection to everything. My desire is to help you reclaim your sovereignty over your health and well-being. We all have keys to the garden, it is up to us to open the door.

Science and Math Tutoring Services

Tutoring for Grades K–12 and College
ACT/ SAT Prep also available