***DISCLAIMER: Before consuming any herbs, tune into your own body and its needs and discuss with a practitioner if any underlying medical ailments are present.***

Nettle and I go way back. She found me when I needed her the most. But I didn’t know it at the time. That’s the magnificence of herbs, they find you just when you need them

A few years ago I found myself in a constant state of lethargy and fatigue. Medical professionals had no answers for me. Holistic practitioners left me not much better either. And so I promised myself I would heal ME for good, I had all the answers I was looking for.

A conversation with a dear mentor of mine, Maria Deesy allowed for the introduction to the beloved stinging nettle. It was mentioned simply in passing, yet it planted a seed that continue to grow in time. Some time later, I found Mountain Rose Herbs: An Online Herb Haven. And that, was just the beginning. 


  • 1.5 tablespoons of organic nettle leaf (foraged or ethically sourced from herbalist/ herbal shop is best)
  • 32 ounce glass mason jar with lid
  • 4 cups of filtered water
  • Optional: Pinch of red raspberry leaf or peppermint leaf


  1. Boil four cups of water on stovetop.
  2. Add nettle leaf to mason jar and pour water on top.
  3. Cover with lid and allow to sit at least 8 hours at room temperature (overnight is best).
  4. The next morning, strain the infusion. Drink immediately or store in the fridge for 48 hours. Compost the herbal scraps.