Tales of Birdsong

What’s MINE is not YOURS.

What’s YOURS is not MINE.

The beauty of not knowing what’s yours lies in knowing what’s true for others is not necessarily true for you.

Your truth is inside you. Talk to it, nourish it, confide in it, harness it.

REPEAT, over and over again.


Do you ever look at a bird in complete awe?

Do you wonder how they know when to nourish themselves?

Do you think about what it would be like to fly?

Do you notice how they sing to the beat of their own song?

It all starts with a hum. Maybe a word or a phrase or two. A little while later some beats and the rhythm. A song. Everything comes together beautifully. Better than you could have ever imagined.

Your physical vessel is unique to you.

Your voice is uniquely yours.

Your heart was created for you.

Don’t try to sing like the bird sings, sing like you and write your own song.